Supplies to Make Winter Pine Cone Fairies
- Pine Cones
- Large Acorn (These are the closest I saw for sale; ours came from the park.)
- Glitter
- Acrylic Paint
- Iridescent Pipe Cleaners
- Sparkly Pom Poms
- Ribbon
- Hot Glue
While they we drying I created the wings. Older kids could definitely do this on their own!
Using two pipe cleaners per acorn, I bent them into a butterfly shape and hot glued them to the back of the pine cone.
I also hot glued the head on, and the girls wanted a little sparkly pom pom (also from on their fairies hats!
The day after we made our winter fairies snow arrived!
All the kids were super excited about the snow, and I thought the fairies would look nice in the tree (although I should have got them out there before the kids stomped through it)!
We didn't leave them outside too long; the kids loved them too much to let the weather ruin them.
I'm just glad we used up all those pine cones and acorns they had collected!