Well there are always new apps, and the girls definitely have some more favorites! Eli is starting to use them more too since he LOVES the ipad. He even pushes his sisters out of the way to use it! Like before most of these are free apps because I really don't like buying apps unless they are spectacular!
Toca Doctor- $3.99- We were lucky and found this free sometime last week. Bria loves it! Basically you have to fix various problems from dirty teeth to removing splinters to helping burps escape. Very cute app.
Monkey Drum- FREE- You play a song and the monkey plays it back! You can change instruments and monkeys and such after you earn a certain number of points. You can get the extras with in app purchases, but the girls are happy with it as is.
Squiggles- FREE- You draw some squiggles on a picture and then make it move. If you don't draw squiggles in the right place it doesn't go. Good for pre-writing skills. Nadia really likes making squiggles!
Agnitus- FREE- Covers a lot of preschool curriculum like colors, shapes, letters, etc. Both of my girls like it even though they breeze through it.
123 Color International- $2.99- Another app we were lucky to find when it was free. It has several pictures you can color by letter or number. There is also an option to color how you want and it tells you the color you are using. The girls really enjoy this app.
The Adventures of the 7 Wonderlicious Girls- FREE- This is obviously geared towards girls. It reads them stories about girls who solve problems. The girls enjoy the stories, and hopefully are picking up some good character traits.
Eggy 100- FREE- Introduces 100 sight words in fun, egg themed games. They have a version with 250 words that you can buy as well.
Tell Time Lite- FREE- They have a more difficult version you can buy, but we are still working on hours and 30 minutes increments, so this works for us. The girls enjoy earning new fish!
I Hear Ewe-FREE- One of Eli's favorites! Realistic animal and vehicle sounds when you click the picture.
Xylophone- FREE- Just like the little toy xylophones except on the ipad. Eli is becoming more interested in playing with it. You can also click the icons at the top and follow along with common songs.
Of course they still like their original favorites too: iPad favorites

Toca Doctor- $3.99- We were lucky and found this free sometime last week. Bria loves it! Basically you have to fix various problems from dirty teeth to removing splinters to helping burps escape. Very cute app.
Monkey Drum- FREE- You play a song and the monkey plays it back! You can change instruments and monkeys and such after you earn a certain number of points. You can get the extras with in app purchases, but the girls are happy with it as is.
Squiggles- FREE- You draw some squiggles on a picture and then make it move. If you don't draw squiggles in the right place it doesn't go. Good for pre-writing skills. Nadia really likes making squiggles!
Agnitus- FREE- Covers a lot of preschool curriculum like colors, shapes, letters, etc. Both of my girls like it even though they breeze through it.
123 Color International- $2.99- Another app we were lucky to find when it was free. It has several pictures you can color by letter or number. There is also an option to color how you want and it tells you the color you are using. The girls really enjoy this app.
The Adventures of the 7 Wonderlicious Girls- FREE- This is obviously geared towards girls. It reads them stories about girls who solve problems. The girls enjoy the stories, and hopefully are picking up some good character traits.
Eggy 100- FREE- Introduces 100 sight words in fun, egg themed games. They have a version with 250 words that you can buy as well.
Tell Time Lite- FREE- They have a more difficult version you can buy, but we are still working on hours and 30 minutes increments, so this works for us. The girls enjoy earning new fish!
I Hear Ewe-FREE- One of Eli's favorites! Realistic animal and vehicle sounds when you click the picture.
Xylophone- FREE- Just like the little toy xylophones except on the ipad. Eli is becoming more interested in playing with it. You can also click the icons at the top and follow along with common songs.
Of course they still like their original favorites too: iPad favorites