We haven't made our annual trip to a pumpkin patch yet, but when we can across some little pumpkins in the store, the girls begged for some. Lucky for them I already had a plan for them! So we picked up a few as well as some acrylic paint.
Once we were home we headed out with our
pumpkins, paints, and some disposable cups (I think bottles would have worked well, but I don't know how well they would have stayed up with little people.) We placed the pumpkins upside down on the cups and then squeezed the paint on layer after layer.
The girls got a bit over enthusiastic with theirs, completely covering some of their first colors completely.
After we finished the pumpkins, I set them aside and the girls made prints of the swirly paint left behind on the sidewalk. They even went ahead to add more paint to the swirls just to make more pictures!
And they did make some pretty pictures!
Due to the thickness of paint the girls put on their pumpkins, I let them to dry for at least 24 hours. Then I removed them from the cups, and this is what they looked like!
The more round pumpkins worked better then the flatter ones because the paint could curve around then better. I think using a bottle instead of a cup would help too, but I am pleased with how they turned out! All the kids were pretty excited about them too! Hooray for colorful pumpkins!