If you have met my children there is no doubt in your mind that we live and breathe My Little Ponies. Their favorite toy, TV show, movie, and stuffed animals are all My Little Ponies. In fact their favorite iPad app is too, but thanks to PlayDate Digital's My Little Pony - Party of One app they have to choose! We received the app in return for our honest review.
The Party of One app is based on an episode of the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic where Pinkie Pie throws a birthday party for her pet alligator, Gummy, but then wants to do it again the next day. She forgets her own birthday which her friends are trying to plan a surprise party for. Pinkie decides they don't really want to be her friends since they won't come to the party she is planning, but it all works out in the end of course! Don't want to give it all away!
It is a cute story, and like most of the My Little Pony episodes it teaches kids about empathy and being good friends. The app is also designed to teach kids to recognize some of the words in the story through a little review at the end which includes a picture of the word as well as the written and spoken word. It highlights some key vocabulary words throughout the story as well, and will repeat them when the child taps them.
The app has the option of reading the story to your child or letting them read it themselves. The child can also interact with the pictures by touching the ponies or other highlighted items.
Even though it is a story app that doesn't change with each use it is still the first one my kids have been going to (even Eli, my little brony)! The pictures are perfect and the story is a lot of fun. Besides it is all ponies, so it is bound to be a favorite of pony lovers!
The one thing that bothered me is the ponies voices. The voice for Pinkie Pie is the actual voice from the show, but the others are obviously not. It is weird for me to hear the different voices, but it did not bother my kids at all! They did comment on it once in the beginning, but that was the end of it. They were too busy tapping everything in sight to worry about the voices!
Overall this is an adorable app for My Little Pony lovers! Find it in the app store for iPad or iPhone for $2.99. To watch a video of the app in action head HERE. To read more reviews head over to Mosaic Reviews!