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Review of the New Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Homeschool Math Online

Review of the New Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Homeschool Math Online
A review of the new Teaching Textbooks 3.0 homeschool math program (the online version of Teaching Textbooks). Plus a 12 month subscription giveaway!

A couple years ago we switched math curricula; leaving Singapore behind in favor of Teaching Textbooks.

There were several reasons we made this switch, and the biggest is also the most embarrassing, so let me tell you a little story about my own personal failure and how Teaching Textbooks saved our homeschool or at least my sanity.

Promise not to judge though, okay?

This is hard to admit, but when my oldest was in second grade, I failed as a homeschool parent.

Like all good homeschool parents, I started the year off strong, grading every assignment as soon as it was completed sometimes even using little smiley face stickers.

Lots of smiley stickers.

My oldest excelled at math. She finished assignments quickly, sometimes before I had a chance to give her instructions.

But life happened, and with 2 kids being homeschooled, a 3-year-old, and a baby, my grading got further and further behind, until shamefully it stopped.

Actually, that wasn't really the problem because I still went over each lesson to see that she understood it.

That was the important part right, understanding?

Until she realized she could take advantage of the situation. This kid is not dumb; she saw an opportunity and exploited it

You see, one day I finally did find time to sit down and grade, it had been a couple months, but I figured she still seemed to understand the lessons we did together, so no big deal. Until I couldn't find her workbook.

Everyday she had been telling me she was doing her work, but in reality she had hidden her workbook behind the piano!

Needless to say I was livid. With her and with myself. Her for lying and me for not checking in more.

She was not pleased to learn that she now had to make up all those lessons in her free time, but I think she learned her lesson, and so did I!

This is when we switched to Teaching Textbooks because guess what, it does the grading for you! It also does the teaching for you, so really it frees up a good amount of time in your day, especially if you have multiple students.

Now there were some downsides to Teaching Textbooks 2.0 too. It used CD's which my kids were constantly losing. They always found them again, usually at the threat of them paying for a new one.

You also had to register your computer which is understandable, but then you are limited to the number of devices you could use at once. And if you are like me and seem to constantly have computer problems, then you have to call and get it reauthorized every time you change computers, you understand what a hassle that can be, even with their super understanding customer service.

Now they have introduced Teaching Textbooks 3.0, and let me tell you, it has solved so many of these problems! I did receive 2 subscriptions to 3.0 in exchange for an honest review; all opinions are my own.

New Features of Teaching Textbooks 3.0

The new features of Teaching Textbooks 3.0 are the solution to many of the problems, I was having with the CD version. These features can be broken down into 3 general categories.

  • Online Version 
  • New Parental Controls
  • New Student Controls

Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is Online

Having an online version means no more CD's to lose! Plus no arguing when one kid leaves a CD in the computer and the other kid needs to use it. Yeah, that happens here.

It also means now you aren't limited to the one authorized computer. Any computer, any time, even multiple computers at the same time. We have used it easily on our desk top, laptop, and raspberry pi.

That's right, now both my daughters can do their math at the same time, and I can check their grade book simultaneously.

What about tablets or phones? We did try it on a tablet, but ours is older and super slow now, so the computer was still preferable. If you go HERE you can get instructions on how to make it work. Since the program uses Adobe Flash, you will have to get a browser that is Flash enabled on a mobile device.

Teaching Textbooks 3.0 offers New Parent Controls

Parents can now remove the ability for students to obtain hint and second chances for the problems. I personally turned off hints, but left second chances.

Another feature I love is the fact that the program stores the student's grades indefinitely. Working on a transcript and need a grade? With the CD program, I have idea how you would find it, but it is super easy online.

Teaching Textbooks 3.0 also has New Student Controls

Students now have access to an online PDF version of the text book if they prefer to read the lesson. There are plans to make this printable as well.

Students also have new buddies to choose from for each level. If you aren't familiar with the buddies, they are little characters that sit in the corner and keep your student company through the lessons. They really just infuse a little fun into the program.

If the buddies distract your student, they also have the ability to turn them off.

And now in 3.0, students can also change their backgrounds.

For my kids this is the most important part; when asked what they liked, both said the cool buddies and new wallpapers!

Teaching Textbooks 3.0: the Same but Improved

You can see there have been a lot of new features added to the program to make it much more user friendly, but what about content?

The content of Teaching Textbooks 3.0 is the same as that of 2.0.

It is still the same spiral approach math program, which means lots of review of previously taught concepts. And you can still purchase 2.0 products if you don't have reliable internet or the CD's appeal to you more.

Teaching Textbooks also offers FREE tutoring with both products simply by calling customer service. That's a pretty handy feature to have for those of us who aren't gifted in math!

How does the Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Pricing Compare to Teaching Textbooks 2.0

There is some variation of price based on the level you are using. Ii chose to compare level 6 as it is a level we are using. For level 6, to purchase the textbook, answer book, and CD's, you are looking at $149.90.

For a 12 month online subscription (which gives you the same content as the book, answer book, and CD's), it is $55.08 per student.

But the best part, if you have between 4 and 8 students, you can qualify for their new large family discount! That's right, they are offering a flat rate of $199.08 for families with 4-8 kids using the program. So if you have 4 kids it would be $49.77 per child per year, and if you have 8 kids using the program, it is really a steal at $24.89 per child per year! 

And really, what large family couldn't use someone else to do the math lessons and grading!

How Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Solves our Math Problems

Remember my daughter, the one that hid her math, she doesn't hide from math anymore. In fact I asked her what she liked about Teaching Textbooks and the online version specifically; her response,

"There are NO CD's! The lectures are easy to understand, and they have lots of buddies and backgrounds!"

I would say from experience, that if you are switching from another math program, you definitely want to use the placement test for Teaching Textbooks. I didn't when we initially switched, and I got to hear a lot of whining about already knowing stuff. I moved them up a level, and all was well. 

The other big problem we had with math was her wanting to rush ahead without instruction, and Teaching Textbooks fixed this too because it allows her to listen to the lecture and do the lesson all on her own. Fostering independence is a big part of homeschool, and using Teaching Textbooks is one step in that direction.

Try Teaching Textbooks for Free

I'm sure you love the idea of cutting down your workload, but maybe you aren't sure how your chiild would do with the Teaching Textbooks program? Well, give it a try....for FREE! 

They have now introduced a free trial for Teaching Textbooks 3.0. So whether you are looking to change math programs completely or just thinking about moving to the online subscription rather than the CD's, this is a great opportunity to make sure it fits before you buy!

Seriously, no billing information is required, and you can try multiple levels at the same time. Plus all your child's work will be saved when you decide to switch over. Have more questions? Check out the Free Trial FAQs here.

We are also giving you have the chance to win a 12 month subscription for the new Teaching Textbooks 3.0; enter below!

Winner will be randomly chosen from legitimate entries. Giveaway open to U.S. residents 18 and older. Winner will be notified via email and will need to respond within 48 hours to claim prize. Prize will be delivered by Teaching Textbooks, therefore winner's name and email address will be shared with the Teaching Textbooks company.

Good luck and wishing you a more relaxed homeschool year!

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