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Using Escape Rooms as a Fun Way to Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Using Escape Rooms as a Fun Way to Teach Critical Thinking Skills
We all know kids benefit from board games, but what about more interactive games like escape rooms?

Let me tell you that after using escape rooms in our local homeschool co-op, I noticed an improvement in my kids critical thinking skills as well as their teamwork!

So yes! I think Escape Rooms are an amazing and fun way to build kids critical thinking skills!

Why You Should Teach Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a way of problem solving that emphasizes the need to be well informed and open-minded prior to making a decision. But problem solving skills aren't the only benefit kids gain from critical thinking, critical thinking increases a kid's ability to think logically, communicate clearly, and become more self-directed in learning. It also aids improves creativity!

Now you know you want your kids to have critical thinking skills, so head over to iHomeschool Network to read my full article about using escape rooms to do it!

And be sure to check out the free escape rooms on our Critical Thinking Page!

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