Have you tried to teach kindergartners about anything? If so you know they don't do lectures. Mine barely sits for meals let alone history lessons. One things she does sit for is stories. She loves books and every time she says "just 1 more" really means at least 10 more. So a logical way to teach her is through stories. It just so happens that is exactly how
Sonlight's Exploring American History: History / Bible / Literature K is -- based on stories.
I received a copy Exploring American History: HBL K spine and Instructor Guide and was compensated for my time. All opinions expressed are my own.
This new kindergarten curriculum offering from Sonlight is literature based including non-fiction stories as well as read alouds plus the history spine (Heroes and Happenings) is a collection of 60 stories about Great Americans through time!What I Love About Exploring American History: HBL K
- 4 day week
Lesson plans included
Combines History/ Literature/ Bible
- Further Book Suggestions
Very gentle approach
One big benefit for us is the fact that the scheduling for Sonlight's Exploring American History: HBL K is for 4 days a week. This allows us to have a day off for out co-op! Not in a co-op, you can use the free time for field trips, chores, or even a break, or a 5-day option is available if you prefer.
Includes a Very Comprehensive Instructor's Guide
Speaking of the schedule included with this American History curriculum, a full lesson plan is included for each day of a entire 36-week school year. Not only does it tell you what story to Read in Heroes and Happenings, but it gives you pages to read in other fiction books as well as the pages to read in the read alouds plus comprehension questions to discuss. It also provides Bible verses to read and memorize.
All of this together provides an entire year of history, Bible, and literature for the 5-6 year old age group. If you want to chase a rabbit trail there are even more literature suggestions provided by time period in the back of the Heroes and Happenings books along with a full scope and sequence of what each lesson teaches.
A Gentle Approach to History for Kindergarten
Most of all, Exploring American History: HBL K is a very gentle approach to introducing kindergartners to more formal schooling as well as introducing history. The entire curriculum, including the Heroes and Happenings spine, is story based which kids this age adore.
There are loads of non-fiction, living books to enjoy as well as fictional read alouds that will help further your child's love of literature. To see everything included in the curriculum head over to the
Sonlight site.
If you have been around my blog for any amount of time, you know
I LOVE reading to kids. There are so many benefits including relationship building, and this curriculum is perfect for that. Your little knows they will have your undivided attention during "school" time which with encourage them to look forward to it. It will also help them not feel left out if you have older kids you need to work with later on.
There are a few questions to discuss with them which can also be a great relationship building tool, but no tests, no grades, and no worksheets which is a huge plus at this age.
The spine also includes handy vocabulary boxes as well as other boxes to draw your attention to specific facts and discussion points. The discussion questions are just that; questions to discuss with your child to help them understand and remember the story. It also contains information for completing your timeline as well as where to point things out on the included maps.
Want a Closer Look?
Here is a copy of the Facebook live I did to show a deeper look at Sonlight's Exploring American History: HBL K curriculum!
Why is Exploring American History: HBL K Enjoyable?
I asked my kindergartner what her favorite part of Sonlight's new American History curriculum was, and her response was...
"I like that they are red and blue and have stars, and I really like the pictures!"
They are fabulous illustrations to be sure, but what she doesn't realize is like other stories, as soon as you finish, she asks to read another one. She likes to hear the stories about the illustrations. While the stories are factual, they are not told in a lecture-y way, so they are also enjoyable. Perfect for little book lovers!
Still not sure Sonlight is a good fit for your family? You can give it a try! Head
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Win a Copy of Exploring American History: HBL K
Sonlight is giving away a copy of their new kindergarten history curriculum! 1 winner will receive Sonlight's New Kindergarten History / Bible / Literature Program: Exploring American History. Enter below. Must be 18 and have a shipping address in the Contiguous US mailing. Giveaway ENDS 6-30-2020.